
- Satonaka Halu, captain of the Blue Scorpions - played by Takuya Kimura in Pride -

- Aki and Halu - [ I don't know when it was taken in the show but nice scene right? haha... ] -
- 'Pride' is shown only on mondays and tuesdays.
- Takuya Kimura plays the leading role, Satonaka Halu, as the captain of the Blue Scorpions.
- The Blue Scorpions consists of ice-hockey players.
- In my opinion, the two 'lovebirds' above don't know that they are falling for each other.
- Aki is still waiting for her boyfriend who had disappeared for a long time.
- Halu and Aki decides to play a game where they 'pretend' to go out with each other in order not to get heartbroken if they decide to 'break up'.
- [I think its that way because I missed the first episode and only watched from the second one onwards. Do correct me by giving your comments below ok?]
- [I also think that with stories like this, usually the missing person would reappear, create conflict, break up our favourite pair and tries to break them up forever...]
'Stairway to Heaven' is a love story about four different characters and how they perceive love as. Not another love triangle, it is a love square! Will true love prevail, as they say?
'Prince turns into a Frog' is a story about an ambitious 'prince' who lost his memory after an accident. This then caused him to become a 'frog' , since he's now poor, without knowing that he's a general manager for a company and was literally rich! A girl, who has a charm that she's convinced brings her to wealthy people, came upon him when he lost his memory and abuses him with work, without knowing that he was the one she has been looking for all along... *sigh* So complicated....
'Ups and Downs in the sea of love' is a story involving two people lost at love, got together on the cruise and were married in less than a week. However, they broke off when a misunderstanding occurred. They realised that they were colleagues when spotted each other on another cruise. Soon, the love between them came crashing down again bit by bit...
I'll tell you something weird. I can't help but laugh when these shows are shown at their various time-slots. Everything seemed so funny, regardless of whether its the characters, their acting, whatever it is that they are doing or so to put it that way... Even though these shows are all about love and stuff.. Tonight, I must remember to watch 'Prince turns into a Frog' and 'Ups and Downs in the sea of love'. There is also a movie tonight at 11.30PM at Channel U, titled 'The Phone. Better not miss it this time!
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